Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Black Sticky Rice Pudding with Banana and Mango

Black Sticky Rice Pudding with Banana and MangoBanana and Mango are famuous fruit in Thailand. Black Sticky Rice Pudding with Banana and Mango is vegetarian dessert in Thailand. This menu is vegetarian foods, non-fat and easy to cooking. You can use Kin-Jay festival.


- 2 cups Black Sticky Rice, grain
- 4 cups Water
- 3-4 Bananas, medium to large
- 12 Dates, pitted
- 1 Mango


Begin by placing 4 cups of cold tap or filtered water in a pot and place on the stove top to boil. When the water begins to boil, add the black sticky rice, cover and reduce the heat to simmer. When all the water is absorbed, turn off the heat.

While the black sticky rice is cooking, peel the bananas, break into pieces, and place in the container of a high speed blender. Add the dates, then cover and run the blender at high speed until contents are creamy smooth.

Wash and cut the mango into wedges; remove the peel. Save some of the nicer looking pieces of mango to use as decoration on the top of the pudding. Cut the remainder of the mango, including the part around the pit, into small pieces.

When the rice is cooked, remove from the stove top, and add the banana-date mixture and the small mango pieces. Mix well and pour the contents into a covered baking dish. Level the pudding and decorate the top with the larger mango pieces.

Place the covered baking dish in either a conventional oven at 350 degrees F. or in a microwave oven until the pudding becomes slightly firm with no liquid on top. In our microwave oven at 1000 watts on the high setting, it took only 10 minutes.

Serve either hot or cold and Enjoy! Leftovers can be stored in the refrigerator, in the covered dish, for several days.

Makes for 8-12 servings

[Source from; all-creatures.org]

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Friday, November 17, 2006

Sticky Rice (Kow Neuw)

Sticky Rice (Kow Neuw)Thai people in the northern and northeastern regions eat sticky rice (also known as Kow Neuw) in place of long grain rice. This menu is vegetarian foods, non-fat and easy to cooking. You can use Kin-Jay festival.


- 2 c sticky rice
- 6-10 c water


1. Soak rice overnight.
2. Bowl a pan of water in a saucepan that can be fitted with a steamer.
3. Line a bamboo steamer with a tea towel, and put soaked rice on top.
4. Steam rice for about 30 minutes, or until grains are no longer hard and the rice is springy.

It is eaten with your hands by making a little ball and dipping it into other dishes.

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